Latest News 2010 March Anthracite Capital Liquidating under Chapter 7

Anthracite Capital Liquidating under Chapter 7

The company Anthracite Capital is liquidating under Chapter 7 bankruptcy. The court will be naming a trustee to oversee this liquidation. Reportedly, shareholders are likely to be wiped out in this process and recovery for unsecured creditors would be minimal.

No matter how impossible it may seem, anyone may face needing to file for bankruptcy at one time or another. When you find yourself in this difficult position you will want to know your rights and how to go about this difficult matter. Bankruptcy does not have to be the end of everything for anyone so long as it is handled properly. You can recover from bankruptcy; you just need to be informed about how to go about this.

With the help of a bankruptcy attorney, you can proceed forward with filing for bankruptcy in a way in which you will be able to handle it. A bankruptcy lawyer does not want you to have to continue to suffer and will know what is best to do in your situation. Please trust in an attorney to handle your case and know what you need to do to resolve this issue. Take some time today to contact a bankruptcy lawyer and begin moving forward with your case.