Latest News 2009 October What Types of Debts Are Not Dischargeable Through Bankruptcy?

What Types of Debts Are Not Dischargeable Through Bankruptcy?

Chapter 7 bankruptcy is the most popular type of consumer bankruptcy because it completely eliminates a person's dischargeable debt. That being said, Chapter 7 will not eliminate all of person's debt. There are certain types of debts that cannot be discharged through bankruptcy, such as:

  • Child support payments
  • Spousal support & alimony payments
  • Federal, state, and local taxes
  • Student loans (in the majority of bankruptcy cases)
  • Mortgage liens
  • Secure debt
  • Fines or penalties imposed by government agencies
  • Fines for fraud, such as larceny or embezzlement
  • Punitive damages for "willful and malicious acts"
  • Fines for drunk driving
  • Cash advances for certain luxury items
  • Other debts outlined on the schedule and forms filed with the bankruptcy court

If you are uncertain as to whether or not your debt is dischargeable through the bankruptcy process, you should take a moment to consult an experienced bankruptcy lawyer in your area.  An attorney can meet with you to discuss your case, conduct a thorough review of your finances, and inform you as to which of your debts can be discharged through Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

Interested in filing for bankruptcy? Click here to find a skilled bankruptcy attorney in your area.