Latest News 2010 March Chicago Boutique Files for Bankruptcy

Chicago Boutique Files for Bankruptcy

The high-end fashion boutique Jake in Chicago has had to file for bankruptcy and will be closing its remaining store. The designers who are owed money will likely not receive that money due to the filing. Jake launched six years ago and at one point they had three stores. The Web site shut down last fall.

It's never easy to deal with a bankruptcy situation, so it is important that you understand the details if you find yourself filing for bankruptcy. You need to know that in this situation you do have rights that should be protected and can be protected if you take the right steps. Filing for bankruptcy does not have to be the end for you, but it can be the chance at a new beginning if you manage your situation properly.

By working with a bankruptcy lawyer, you will be able to move forward with a case knowing that it is being handled in the best way possible. It's in your best interest to work with an attorney who can guide you through this difficult process and ensure that your rights are protected. Please take some time today to contact a bankruptcy attorney and begin discussing the details of your case.   

Categories: Filing for Bankruptcy